
More than just a game
More than just a sport
More than just a game
More than just a sport
More than just a game
More than just a sport
more than just a game
more than just a sport
more than just a game
more than just a sport
more than just a game
more than just a sport
more than just a game
more than just a sport

NKWA Ghana Camp Registration

 By submitting this registration form, you are taking the first step towards an unforgettable experience! Please note that due to the exclusive nature of our events, spots are limited and acceptance is not guaranteed. We aim to accommodate a diverse group of participants, hence selections will be made based on various criteria to ensure a wide-ranging representation. The age group for eligibility is strictly 14 to 20 years old.

Upon acceptance, you will receive detailed information including the venue address and further instructions to prepare you for the event. Mark your calendars for March 2nd for the Fundamental Football Camp, where you'll sharpen your skills and deepen your knowledge of the game. The excitement continues on March 3rd with the NKWA Historical Tournament, a day filled with competitive spirit and cultural celebration. We're looking forward to reviewing your application and hopefully welcoming you to an enriching experience that combines the love of football with a deep dive into history.

Ghana Camp: March 2-3rd 2024. Register below!
St. Lucia Camp: Registration has not opened yet


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